Intoximeter Alco-Sensor IV XL
Draeger Alcotest 7410 Plus DOT
DUI|DUI lawyer|drunk driving|DUI defense|drunk driving laws|DUI attorney
The Intoximeters Inc. "Drink Wheel" is a form that you can fill out. Upon completion we will instantly compute your estimated blood/breath alcohol concentration ("BAC") based on the information that you have provided and return that estimate to you. It is presented as a public service to Intoximeters web site visitors. Its primary purpose is to provide useful information about the responsible use of alcohol.
We call it the "Drink Wheel" because it is based on various paper and cardboard BAC calculators that are given out in alcohol awareness programs, some of which are in the form of a wheel that you can spin around to calculate your estimated BAC based on what and how much you have had to drink.
It would be extremely foolish for us to pretend that our "Drink Wheel" can tell you what your BAC actually is, first because it would open us up to an incredible amount of potential liability and second if it really did work accurately there would be no need for anyone to buy the instruments that we make and sell.
A person's actual BAC is dependent on many complex factors, including their physical condition (body composition, health etc...) and what they have recently ingested (including food, water, medications and other drugs). This site includes a more detailed discussion of the Pharmacology and Disposition of alcohol in humans.
The results that are generated are rough estimates of an average healthy person's BAC assuming typical beverage sizes, recipes and alcohol content. The BAC estimates generated by the Drink Wheel should not be used to infer anyone's fitness to work, drive or perform any other task or duty.
Intoximeter Alco-Sensor IV XL
Draeger Alcotest 7410 Plus DOT
What are the reasons a driver's license can be revoked?
Driving a motor vehicle is a privilege. When a driver behaves recklessly, the state issuing a driver’s license will not think twice to suspend of revoke it. A state issuing a driver’s license to a driver can temporarily suspend driving privileges for various reasons. Reasons for driver’s license suspension can include:
DUI arrest and conviction, in which case a driver is caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is the top cause for a driver’s license suspension. Additional reasons a driver’s license may be suspended in the event of:
- Refusal to take a blood-alcohol test
- Driving without valid insurance
- Speeding ticket
- Reckless driving
- Hit and run - leaving the scene of an injury accident
- Failing to pay a driving-related fine
- Failing to answer a traffic summons, or
- Failure to file an accident report.
In many states a driver’s license can be suspended for traffic violations. In this case states use points that keep track of a driver's moving violations. Every moving violation a driver is assigned a certain number of points. If a driver accumulates too many points on a driving record, in addition to his car insurance rate premium increase, within a given period of time, the department of motor vehicles will suspends his license.
If a driver has too many moving violations, a DUI, the state issuing a driver’s license may revoke a driver’s license. In this event, a driver with revoked driver’s license has to wait a certain period of time to re-apply for a new driver’s license and pass certain tests in addition to paying the fee.
Additionally, some states, California in particular will revoke and refuse to issue a new driver’s license to parents in child support arrears.
Driving on a suspended or revoked license is a crime. If a driver with a revoked or suspended driver’s license is caught behind the wheel, such driver will most likely get a jail time and will have to pay heavy fines. If the driver’s license suspension was due to a drunk driving violation – DUI or DWI, the penalties will be the heaviest. Remember Paris Hilton? Having the best DUI and criminal attorneys cannot guarantee that your driver's license suspension will be prevented. However, it is possible to reduce your sentence due to a DUI with having a good DUI attorney. Particularly, in you are in Arizona, you will definitely need an Arizona DUI attorney who is experienced in the Arizona DUI laws.